Thursday, December 10, 2009

Few Still of the Action Story Beats

Doing everything by yourself really proved to be a very painful job but its still fun nevertheless..


  1. Hai man...good job!! Api kaler orange tu sgt cantik..! Didn't know that you have a blog..stumbled upon it via your facebook..keep it up..

  2. ni guna software aper? smart ar..
    aksi lawan2 die kasi kelakar sikit erk baru la syok tgk. xmo la sies2 sgt sbb model dah comel.. ahak..

  3. 3DS MAX n After Effects sahaja...Ya,thanks for the inputs.. :-)

  4. story almost there, animation and modelling not complete yet.. Just joined new company, too preoccupied with it.:-D Now, doing color and composition study dulu. After this, buat the storyboad. Hopefully by end of the year siap.. :-)

  5. modelling die da cantik da.. boleh tahu tak benda ni kisahkan aper erk? disini sy ade idea utk awk.
    kalau awk buat satu lagi modelling seorg kanak perempuan mst lg menarik. sama ada kanak2 itu milik alien ataupon milik robot. sries mmg sy sukakan modelling awk dan tak sabar mennanti hasil kerja awak. kalao ade prob care nak animate model tu bgtahu la.. leh sy tlg setakat yg sy tahu. :D

  6. idea yg sgt menarik..betul! akan aku sgt2 konsider bab kanak2 tu...terima kasih bagi pertolongan pertambahan idea..u pakai sofware 3D ape ya?
